
Secure WordPress Blog Against Hackers Tips [February 2025 Update]

WordPress blog gets attack by many hackers and to avoid this there are many methods available. Now Secure WordPress blog by simple tips working [February 2025 Update]

In this post, we will teach you how to get rid of the hacker’s attack on your WordPress blog. To secure a WordPress blog, you have to follow some simple steps which will help you save your blog from external attacks and hackers.

Nowadays many of these WordPress websites are getting hacked due to a looking hole in the backend system which lets the hackers go into the SQL database thus tempering with it and also causing damages to it.

To secure these type of attacks, you have to be curious and also have to do settings which make it extra secure. As many of you aren’t be aware of these settings and are new to these blogs then I will let you help in this. Recently I also got an attack on my website as I hadn’t secured it to the core, resulting in getting hacked.

Also, we will suggest you do your backup of the WordPress blog weekly or monthly to avoid any misshapen which may cause in loose of data. You can follow our tutorial on how to do the backup of your WordPress blog.secure wordpress blog

We also provide you with WordPress Blog SEO Optimization service and also check out the best SEO Themes friendly for SEO Optimization for WordPress Blog.

How to Secure WordPress Blog

This security will make you save from the backend attacks and also from the DOS attacks. In this security setup, you will be guided on how to change the permissions and make sure it’s not visible to the world. We will also teach you how to get through WordPress plugins security and avoid using third-party vulnerable plugins. Secure WordPress Blog is the major step one should adopt so as to safeguard the blog and the content from hackers and any future problems which may arise if the owner/manager of the blog doesn’t secure WordPress Blog ontime.

WordPress security is the first major step to set up after getting your website ready.


How to set the security-

  • Make sure you have a mixed alphanumeric password containing Capital letters, Symbols, and Numbers. For eg. YtyUjklMgdYUoi!*&(4LxP
  • The passwords must be different for Database, cPanel, and your WordPress login
  • Set the file permissions of the files and folders to 644 and 755 respectively. That is all folders in your root should chmod 755 and files should be 644
  • Change the permissions of .htaccess and wp-config.php to 440 ( this is extra permission settings which will even not make the updates go itself and plugins activated which requires wp-config file )
  1. If any of your plugins requires access to wp-config and display error while activating, change the permission of the wp-config file for a temporary basis to activate it.
  2. Install plugins by uploading yourself .zip files in plugins folder located in your WordPress directory. By default it is wp-content/plugins
  3. Never install third-party low-class plugins which are more vulnerable to attacks
  • Disable the edit properties for your WordPress admin area. To disable them, place this code define( ‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true );  in your wp-config file.
  • Place this code in your .htaccess file before #WordPress term. This will prevent these dir. from being accessed.  RewriteRule ^wp-admin/includes/ – [F,L] RewriteRule !^wp-includes/ – [S=3] RewriteRule ^wp-includes/[^/]+\.php$ – [F,L] RewriteRule ^wp-includes/js/tinymce/langs/.+\.php – [F,L] RewriteRule ^wp-includes/theme-compat/ – [F,L]
  • Never disclose the passwords nor save them in your browser. Clear cookies every time before and after.
  • Install the WP-Security plugin powered by WordPress to enhance more security features. This plugin will automatically detect the problems and alert you to change or have a look at them.
  • Disable the user registrations on your WordPress blog, if you need to enable then assign their user role to a lower level like subscribers or what you wish to. This is also the major feature and a security loop-hole. So kindly use it with proper guidelines.

Note- Kindly do regular or 2 days alternate backups of your database files to have safety prior to hand if anything wrong happens.

This is the ultimate guide to make you safe from the hackers all around from getting access to your system and WordPress blog. I hope you will soon implement these settings to avoid getting trapped.