As the recent jailbreak has been released for the iOS, the tweaks and apps in Cydia are not compatible. We have a list of compatible tweaks and apps which are getting updated and are being supported by this latest Jailbreak. The jailbreak for the iOS can be done by using evasi0n7 tool which will help you to jailbreak your iDevice and customize it as you want to. The following tweaks and apps works with the jailkbreak for iOS as being tested by our team members.
iOS 17 Compatible Tweaks and Apps in Cydia- February 2025 Update
- Wuppy
- Pdanet
- WelcomeMe
- OverAchiever
- Plugication
- Software Update Killer
- ShakeToUndo Killer
- NoStoreButton
- NoPasscodeBlock
- Audio Recorder
- Unlimtones
- Privacy
- Signal 2
- Signal Booster (will work, after crashing on first open)
- Appinfo
- Fakeclockup
- Activator (beta version) – [You need to add Ryan Petrich’s repo to install the betaversion]
- iCleaner
- iCleaner Pro
- Swipe Selection
- Accelerate (doesn’t work on iPhone 5s)
- Mobile Terminal
- snes4iphone
- WiFi Passwords
- FireWall iP
- Music Box
- MyFile
- SwipeToRespring
- Sicarius
- HarlemShake7
- AirDrop Enabler 7.0+
- iPhone4Parallax
- Gridlock
- KillBackground7
- Flipswitch
- NoNewsIsGoodNews
- Poof (doesn’t work on iPhone 5s)
- Speed Intensifier
- Respring (doesn’t work on iPhone 5s)
- Tetherme (iPhone 5 user has confirmed it works on iOS 9.0.4)
- FolderCloser
- Icon Renamer
- Music Box
- Movie Box
- Smart 3G + LTE
- iApFree Works
- UDiDFaker
- iFile (Registration fails, but works !)
- Local iAPStore
- Barrel version 1.7.1
- safari download manager
- iOS 9 Adrenaline (No need to enable reduce motion now )
- Call Recorder
Last Updated: February 2025